Information and Resources for Victims and Complainants


如果您是华盛顿社区学院(十大菠菜)的学生或员工,并且已经 性骚扰(包括跟踪)、性暴力(约会、家庭暴力、 或其他形式的性暴力),或其他基于性别的骚扰,这很重要 that you read the following information. Although not intended to be a comprehensive explanation of your options and rights, this information may be useful to you.

性骚扰、性暴力和其他基于性别的骚扰发生在 该学院的设置涉及一项名为《十大菠菜》的联邦法律 1972年的修正案,禁止在教育中基于性别的歧视 程序或活动,并触发某些责任的一部分 the College. If you are a student, 十大菠菜 has Title IX officers who can help explain the College’s responsibilities in these cases:

Clarence Jennings Jr, VP Student Services & Title IX Coordinator
Room No: SC 251
Email: Clarence Jennings Jr

Joy Berry, Director of Student Affairs & Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Room No: SC 249
Email: Joy Berry

Tracci K. Johnson, Dean of Students & Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Room No: SC 275
Phone: 734-973-3480
Email: Tracci Johnson

If you are an employee, contact the Office of Human Resources - Room No: BE 120 - Phone: 734-973-3497

华盛顿社区学院致力于保持积极的学习和工作 environment. 十大菠菜 will not tolerate acts of sexual misconduct, harassment, sexual violence, or related retaliation against or by any employee or student. When sexual misconduct, 骚扰或性暴力已经发生,并引起了双方的注意 上述个人,他们将采取措施结束骚扰或暴力,防止 its reoccurrence, and address its effects. For more information, see Sexual Misconduct Title IX.

Reporting Options

在学院的程序中,提出指控的人被称为 the Complainant. The person who the allegations have been made against is referred to as the Respondent.

Below are the different reporting options a Complainant has:

  • 希望举报性骚扰、性暴力或其他基于性别的投诉 骚扰可以直接报告给第九条官员(他们的十大菠菜) is listed above on this page).
  • A complainant may also report directly to law enforcement.
  • 如果事件发生在校园内,您可以拨打x3411联系公安 on campus or 734-973-3411 off campus. Public Safety’s main office is on the second floor of the parking structure. Public Safety can provide assistance if you wish to make a report to local law enforcement.
  • 如果事件发生在校外,你可以联系华盛顿县治安官 Office or the local law enforcement in your area. You should also contact one of the 以上列出的第九条官员确保任何校园内的校外影响 incident can be addressed.
  • If you are an employee, you may report the situation to your immediate supervisor or to the Office of Human Resources.
  • All reporting options are listed on the Sexual Misconduct page.
  • Title IX (Sexual Misconduct) Report Form
  • 事件发生后的援助资源或总体预防信息是可用的 on the Community Resources page or the Lowering your risks page.
  • Confidential reporting information.

投诉人可以通过第九章官员和 the criminal process simultaneously. In addition, students may file a Title IX complaint with the Office of Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education. See Grievance Procedures.

这两名第九条官员都有权处理性骚扰投诉 sexual violence in a non-criminal context. The College process is completely separate from the police and courts. Washtenaw Community College provides a student conduct process for investigating those cases whether they occur on or off campus. That process, is listed in 受托人委员会政策4095学生的权利,责任和行为准则.

如被投诉人是雇员,则由本署处理 在第九条协调员琳达·布莱基的监督下. 当被访者既是学生又是雇员时,两个办公室可以一起工作 to resolve the case. If you are uncertain about which office to contact you may call either office. When the respondent is neither a student nor employee at 十大菠菜, the College can still assist you with counseling and other support services.

第九条官员将审查这些指控,并确定一个适当的过程 of action. Some cases can be handled informally and outside of the formal investigative process, although the College will not mediate cases of sexual violence even on a voluntary basis. For cases that result in an investigation, those investigations are conducted by individuals who have received specialized training in those types of investigations. All investigations will be conducted in a thorough and neutral manner.

The process for resolving these allegations can be found on our procedure page.

当学院意识到性暴力时,学院可能有义务 不顾投诉人要求保密的意愿,继续进行调查; in order to ensure campus safety. Confidentiality may be limited in situations where there is a continuing threat to the campus community. You are not required to participate if you choose not to; however, this may limit the College’s ability to respond to the incident. If you request that your name or other identifying information not be 在调查中使用,学院将根据上下文考虑你的请求 of its responsibility to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment. When confidentiality is not requested; in most cases, information including your name may be shared with 被告、证人,以及有合法需要的大学官员 know. 除此之外,学院将采取措施保护您的身份和身份 of all individuals involved.

A complainant may be accompanied by an advisor during any meeting. The advisor may be any support person including an attorney. In the College’s process, the complainant 被告方不被允许直接相互提问也不被强制要求 to be present together at any point. Both a complainant and a respondent have the 辨认证人和提供与调查有关的其他资料的权利. 学院将根据信息标准的优势来决定案件 (whether or not it is more likely than not that the conduct occurred).

在大多数情况下,学院不会等到刑事案件解决后才 proceeding with the case. In addition, if a College official has a reasonable belief that a crime has been committed, she or he may be obligated to report that to law enforcement if police have not already been notified. In cases where a police investigation 已经实施或正在实施,执法部门能否提供一些 information to the Title IX officers with the victim’s consent. The College’s fact-finding 根据执法部门的要求,可以暂时推迟调查; but we will promptly resume the investigation as soon as possible. Most sexual violence 或通过第九条办公室进行的性骚扰调查得到解决 尽可能快,但可能需要60天才能解决,这取决于 complexity of the case and the number of parties involved. The College will keep a 根据投诉人的要求告知投诉人案件的进展情况 is reasonable. The complainant will be informed of the outcome of the case in writing.

因为学校最关心的是学生的安全,轻微的酗酒和吸毒违规 by a complainant will be handled informally whenever possible. The use of alcohol or other drugs never makes an individual at fault for sexual violence. The College has an amnesty policy in regards to reporting.

在案件审理期间,学院将采取临时措施保护投诉人. Depending on the case and the complainant’s wishes, these steps may include:

  • class schedule adjustments
  • ordering a respondent to not have contact with you
  • restricting a respondent from parts of campus or certain college activities
  • 为您提供陪护,从教室到您的车
  • any adjustments made will be designed to minimize the burden on the complainant’s educational program. Some of these actions may also be remedies in those cases resulting in a finding of a policy violation.

华盛顿社区学院有一项政策,禁止对任何员工进行报复 或者举报性骚扰或性暴力事件的学生, 或在诉讼中作证、协助或参与的任何雇员或学生, investigation or hearing relating to these allegations.

任何具有校园监管权力的学院员工都必须提交性报告 性骚扰、性暴力或其他基于性别的骚扰向人力资源办公室投诉 Resources who will notify the Title IX officers.

Community Resource information

Examples which may be policy violations include the following:

  • 老师建议,如果学生有下列问题,可能会给一个更高的分数 submits to sexual advances;
  • 如果下属拒绝,主管会含蓄或明确地威胁解雇他 the supervisor's sexual advances;
  • 一名学生在校园里多次跟踪一名教师,并发送色情短信 messages to the instructor's voicemail or email;
  • 未经你同意,学生或雇员以不受欢迎的性方式触摸你;
  • 学生或员工多次当面对你的身体做出不受欢迎的评论, on the phone, or in any other way;
  • 学生或雇员未经你同意就向你暴露性器官 in an unwelcome manner.

For a thorough explanation of the College processes, please see our Sexual Misconduct page or contact one of the Title IX officers.

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