
你是否希望换工作, 学习新技能,为升职做准备, 或者追求新的激情, 任何时候回学校都不晚.

As one of the nation’s top-rated—and most affordable—community colleges, 十大菠菜 is the perfect place for adult learners and students to start or return to their studies. 有超过135个项目可供选择, 其中49个是完全在线的, 十大菠菜 provides the academic excellence and individualized support you need to thrive.


* 必需资料



Returning to school can be nerve-wracking—especially if you’re studying something new or returning after a long time away. 但在十大菠菜,你永远不会孤单. 我们充满活力, unique community is filled with students of all ages committed to meeting their educational and professional goals. 超过40%的学生年龄在25岁以上, and most balance classes with full- or part-time work and family commitments. 我们知道这很困难, so we offer flexible program schedules designed to fit your life, 包括在线或校园课程, 包括晚上和周末的选择.




of our students age 25 and older come to 十大菠菜 with a post-secondary degree and come here to refresh or learn new skills


平均, 多于1,300 of 十大菠菜’s adult learners age 25 and older earn a degree or certificate each year


We believe everyone should be able to access higher education, no matter their financial resources. That’s why 十大菠菜 offers one of the lowest tuition rates in Michigan, 即使是区外和州外的学生. +, we’re committed to helping you access the financial assistance you need to realize your educational dreams. A wide range of scholarships are available, including child care scholarships.


of adult learners age 25 plus at 十大菠菜 receive some type of financial aid support to help them achieve their goals.



只有在有限的时间内,21至24岁的人才有资格 密歇根重新连接! Earn your degree or certificate tuition-free at Washtenaw Community College. 申请的时间是有限的,但你的未来不必如此. Say hello to making more money, landing a better job and pursuing your passion.

如果你是密歇根州居民,年龄在25岁或以上, 你可能有资格获得密歇根重新联系奖学金. This program is designed to help adult learners without a degree get their educations back on track and achieve their personal and professional goals. The scholarship pays the cost of in-district tuition for qualifying students who plan to pursue an associate degree or skills certificate at a Michigan public community college. If you’re from a different district, you may still qualify for significant tuition reductions at 十大菠菜.


有兴趣获得学士学位? Get your degree for the price of one year with three years free at 十大菠菜. The Michigan Transfer Agreement makes it simple to transfer to more than 30 different colleges and universities, including Eastern Michigan University and the University of Michigan. 平均, you can save more than $25,000 on your degree by starting at 十大菠菜.


不管你是否有资格参加密歇根重新联系, we can help you find scholarships and grants to reduce the cost of your degree or program. 因为高等教育的成本不限于学费, we also offer access to free online textbooks and learning resources. 因为我们每个人都会遇到意想不到的挑战, our Student Resource Center offers an emergency food pantry and can connect you with additional community support and financial assistance if you need it.



我们知道你的生活中有比学校更重要的事情. That’s why we offer extensive resources to help you balance your responsibilities, 充分利用你所受的教育, and take on whatever challenges you may face inside or outside the classroom.

十大菠菜’s Student Success Team is committed to helping make your return to school as easy as possible. We’ll guide you through processes like transferring credits and registering for classes, 帮你决定修哪门课, 给你指出学术资源中心来帮助你学习. 如果你参加了一个学位课程, you’ll receive one-on-one support from a Success Coach who will work with you to develop and move toward your goals. +, our small class sizes mean that you’ll always have personal access to your instructors, 谁担任教师导师.

职业转型可能会很棘手. The 十大菠菜 Center for Career Success offers the professional development advice and support you need to make the most of your new qualifications. 我们可以帮你写一份新的简历和求职信, 练习面试技巧, and connect you with internship and co-op opportunities and potential future employers.

作为一个成年学习者,你有很多事情要做. 十大菠菜’s team of licensed professional counselors can help you work through a wide range of personal challenges. We also offer support groups and meetings for students struggling with addiction issues.

我从没想过我会落到这个地步. 十大菠菜 equipped me with the knowledge and confidence I never thought I would have from an academic perspective. 这里的员工非常出色.


你可以告诉我,我的教练热爱他们的工作. If we had our struggles they went the extra mile to make sure we were successful. If it wasn't for the great leadership I was under, I would not be in this position now.


十大菠菜,没有所谓的“传统”学生. Whether you’re enrolling in college for the first time or coming back after many years, 我们可以帮助你找到你的位置,并实现你的目标. 当你准备好了,我们就在这里.

